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2000 points battle forged army.
3 rounds at 3 hours each.
$10 buy in to be used for prize support in the form of store credit.
Winner will be determined by battle points.
ITC Champions missions 2,4, & 6 will be played with the following rule changes:
* Deployment map will be chosen not randomly determined by player winning roll off
* If you have the choice to deploy and take first turn and don’t, then you forfeit the seize roll.
Terrain definitions will be in player packets.
Chess clocks will be available and enforced on top table after round 1.
At end of round it’ll be hard dice down.
Cutoff for new rules in the form of codexes and FAQs will be Oct 12.
Lists will be due by Oct 19 and any entries after that date are due at registration.

Players please have the following
* Rules references including data sheets for all units, copies of faction rules, warlord traits, relics, psychic powers, and litanies. Codexes, hardcopy or electronic, are acceptable as well as copies of pages from those sources. BattleScribe will not be considered a rules reference.
* Tape measure
* Dice
* Models that are conversions or proxies will be accepted pending TO approval. There are no painting requirements but please don’t bring something like a 3D printed unpainted model with no weapons on a cardboard base. Proxying is ok but there must consistency throughout your army. For example don’t put a special weapon model in every squad then pay for them in only a few squads.
* No paint requirement.
* A copy of your list for your opponent.

10:00-10:20 Check-in and first round pairings
10:20-1:20 First round
1:20-2:20 Lunch and second round pairings
2:20-5:20 Second round
5:20-5:30 Third round pairings
5:15-8:30 Third round
8:30 Awards

Later Event: November 16
Warmachine Steamroller Event